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Soy Wax Melts Recipe

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Wax Melts are really simple to make and a paraffin free alternative to scent your home. They require simple ingredients and make beautiful gifts. 


  • 50g Eco soy wax/bees wax/almond wax
  • 5g – 10g coconut oil (solid)
  • 10 - 15 drops of essential oils/fragrance
  • dried flowers to decorate 


  1. Gently heat the wax & coconut oil in a double boiler, like you would chocolate, until it is completely melted & stir.
  2. Once completely melted leave to cool for a few minutes and add your essential oils.
  3. Pour little ‘puddles’ of wax on to a flat sheet of baking paper and carefully place the dried flowers on top to decorate.
  4. Leave until they solidify.

To use place one or two pieces into a lit oil burner, no need to add water, and enjoy the infusion!

This recipe was created by Emma Hyland, if you are interested in any workshops/parties please email me at

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